In these trying times, it’s more important than ever to save money. With gas prices so high, we all have to do our part. One great way to help save money is to follow some of these shopping tips to help you save money on everything you buy. Everyone knows about coupons, of course, but I’ve got twelve other ways to help you save money every time you shop.
- 12 Tips to Save Money Grocery Shopping
- Shop at Markets or Outlets.
- Buy the Store Brand.
- Buy Bulk.
- Buy Whatever is on Sale.
- Buy Fresh, Buy Local.
- Buy Products with a Good Price/Use Ratio.
- Avoid Buying on an Empty Stomach
- Avoid Buying When You’re Tired.
- Avoid Appearance-Based Buys.
- Use a Basket, not a Cart
- Learn to Make a List and Stick to It
- Remember to Look at Deals Online
- Getting Through a Recession
12 Tips to Save Money Grocery Shopping
Here’s my twelve tips for saving money when you go shopping.
Shop at Markets or Outlets.
Shopping at places like Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s is a great way to save money. These stores have high-quality products and great prices. Take your list and use coupons at the same time.
Buy the Store Brand.
I buy store brand mustard, ketchup, and other condiments. I save fifty cents or more each time I buy a large jar of mustard. If a supermarket doesn’t have a store brand, make your own.
Buy Bulk.
Buying things like cereal and chips in bulk at Amazon is a great way to save some dough. You might even be able to avoid paying for membership at warehouse-type discount stores. Food sometimes goes on sale at this type of store, so it’s a good idea to check every once in awhile.
Buy Whatever is on Sale.
If you love to buy broccoli, and broccoli is on sale, buy broccoli. Don’t try to be a hero and buy something else. Don’t try to save money by buying an item that isn’t on sale, because you’ll just end up paying too much for it.
Buy Fresh, Buy Local.
Buying locally grown food is often one of the best ways to save big time. You can find locally grown apples, beef, and other products from local farmers at your local farmers’ markets. These markets are usually very affordable, so you can stock up on fresh produce for very little.
Buy Products with a Good Price/Use Ratio.
When you buy a product, you’re not just buying a product. You’re buying the time it takes you to use it. If you spend an hour at the nail salon, you can’t call it a good use of your time unless you really enjoy it. So, when you buy a product, you have to consider how much time it takes to use. Is it worth the time? If so, it’s a good deal.
Avoid Buying on an Empty Stomach
You can save money by eating before you go shopping, but you can also save money by not going shopping on an empty stomach. Research shows (and I can vouch for this) that it is better to go food shopping on a full stomach. When you have an empty stomach, you’re more likely to overspend.
Avoid Buying When You’re Tired.
It’s hard to be energetic and alert when you’re tired. You’re more likely to make impulse buys when you’re tired. If you’re tired, go home and grab a nap. Don’t buy anything while you’re tired.
Avoid Appearance-Based Buys.
Appearance is the first thing that catches your eye at the store. It’s easy to fall into a pattern of buying things that may look really good, but they might not work very well. It’s best to evaluate a product based on your experience with it. If you have a good experience with a product, there’s a good chance it will continue to be good. Don’t buy an item just because it looks good.
Use a Basket, not a Cart
When you have a smaller basket, you’re less likely to fill it with items you don’t really need. A full-size shopping cart can make it easy to just throw items in and forget they’re there until you get the bill at the register. This can also help you avoid buying items that you don’t really need.
Learn to Make a List and Stick to It
A good way to ensure you’re not spending too much when shopping is to create a shopping list, and then stick to it. Having a list can also help you save a lot of time and money. You can breeze through the store with a list.
Remember to Look at Deals Online
Some stores have special coupons and offers available to those who sign-up for a website or download an app. This can be a good way to save some extra money, but you want to carefully read any terms and conditions to see how your personal information is used.
Getting Through a Recession
Going through a recession is not easy. We’ve went through one in America back in 2008, and it wasn’t pretty. This time, things look a lot different. There are still people losing their homes and their jobs, but we’re moving forward. Well, maybe not moving exactly … it feels like we’re in some kind of limbo, but we’re definitely not improving in the short term.
Because of this, it’s important to really budget, find new ways to save money, and stop spending money on things that you don’t need to spend money on. If you’re smart with your money, you can ensure that you don’t lose your home, don’t have to cut back on essentials, and don’t have to do without the things you love.
It’s tough out there – for everyone – so remember to be kind and keep your chin up.