Hot weather can be dangerous if you’re not careful, but it can also be a great time for some outdoor activity. I’ve put together a list of 10 fun hot weather play ideas for kids that I think you’ll find useful. I’ve chosen play ideas useful for a variety of ages from toddler to teen. So, there should be something for everyone on this list. Enjoy!
Hot Weather Play Ideas for Kids (age 2+)
Here’s my short list of some great play ideas during hot weather.
Get Out and Walk:
On hot days, your best option is to find a nice, safe public park and stroll there with your kids. This can be during the hot parts of the day, as long as you’ve dressed your kids in light clothing, brought sunscreen and water and most importantly, you’re keeping a close eye on them. The fresh air is good for everyone.
Additionally, with this and all other outdoor activities in hot weather, you’ll want to make sure you stay hydrated. If you start to feel fatigued or lightheaded, have your child take a break and sit in the shade until you feel more energized.
Sprinkler Fun:
This is a simple but sure-fire way to cool down on a hot day. Of course everyone remembers riding through the sprinkler as a kid. I’ll never forget the one and only time the sprinkler went off in my driveway. I ran out to play in it and got soaked, then waited for my mom to come get me so we could go to the store.
Sprinklers these days come in all shapes and sizes and generally you can find one that will spray up as well as out. You may also want to invest in a sprinkler attachment for your garden hose to have more control over how your children get wet
Sandbox Fun:
Yep, good old fashioned sand can be great fun in hot weather. Not only can you make sand castles, but there are many other things to do with it as well. For example, you can make sand forts, castles and even creatures. Just be sure that if you have outdoor furniture that it is not near the sandbox.
Making a sandbox can be as simple as building one out of wood (basically a frame) or you can even buy a kiddie pool and fill it with sand. This can be expensive, but if you figure in how many times your child will be playing, it makes sense financially. Just make sure it stays covered overnight or the neighborhood cats might make it their own.
Walk the Dog:
Dogs are wonderful creatures that can have just as much fun as you do in the hot weather. However, you need to be safe and watch them closely, even if they’re usually very well trained. One big piece of advice is to never leave your dog unattended outside in warm weather and make sure you’re keeping them hydrated.
Children having a dog growing up can be a great way to teach responsibility and how much work it is to care for something else other than themselves. It can also be a great way to meet other children in your community as many families with children who have dogs often want to find other families who do too. Therefore, it’s a great way to start a social playgroup.
Go Swimming at the Pool:
If you’re lucky enough to live near a pool and it’s closed for the summer, perhaps you can convince them to let you use it. Even if you’re not, you may find that the local community center or YMCA might let you use their facilities.
If you have time, you may want to invest in the pool pass that gives you access to the entire year’s swim schedule. Be sure to check for times or days when the pool is closed for maintenance.
Go Camping:
For families that are really into camping, hot weather is probably the best time. It’s nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of the day-to-day life of traffic jams, work and school. Plus, camping is a great way to spend time together.
And with all the extra daylight, you can get your kids outside and engaged in physical activity. Again, just make sure to stay hydrated and watch for any signs of heat exhaustion. And bring extra bug-spray too!
Go to the Beach:
If you live near the beach or live near the ocean, you can take advantage of the nice weather by spending some time at the beach. The beach is a great place to build sand castles or just run around. You can also buy a kite and fly it.
Beach days can be warm, so remember to bring lots of water and wear sunscreen.
Go for a Bike Ride:
Kids love bikes. Want to get your kids away from the screen and outside? Let them ride in the neighborhood. Younger kids can get a little bike that they can push with their feet.
As they get older, they can ride a 2-wheeler with training wheels until they’re able to ride a bike on their own. When they can ride a bike unassisted, you can go on family bike rides or maybe even go on bike rides with friends.
Go on a Picnic:
If you really want to get out of the house, you can do it cheap by taking a picnic. You can make sandwiches, take some fruit, veggies, chips and drinks and maybe even some cake or cookies.
Set up a blanket outside and enjoy the fresh air. You’ll want to make sure you’re not out in the sun for too long, so take frequent breaks in the shade.
Have a Movie Night:
If you’re going to be staying home anyway, why not watch a movie? You can rent some DVDs from the library or from your local video store. You can also go to the local big box store and buy a movie.
If you’re going to spend time in front of the TV, be sure to do other activities as well. It’s best to divide your attention between the TV, the computer and some outdoor activity. Make sure you take frequent breaks as well.
Hot Weather Play Ideas: Conclusion
With these hot weather play ideas, you should be able to keep your child safe while they’re outside during the hot weather. As you can see on this list, there are simple things you can do to make your child’s outdoor play more entertaining and fun. The most important thing is consistency. Children need to know what’s expected of them and it will get easier as the hot weather continues.
If your child does start to show signs of heat exhaustion, you should seek medical attention immediately. Thanks for reading. Be sure to check out our Facebook group if you get a chance.